Rust translation
Python new test framework should be used (Refer this for more detail)
C translation (author inactive)
Not affected by the issue below, i.e. no nul terms like "0x^123" in the expected result.
What is the point of tests like '0x^n' where eventually we must return '0x^(n-1)'? If we should return 0s, then we should also return the 0 of the derivative of the constant of the equation, which we do not do, as seen in the examples. Please fix.
Actual and expected are swapped in C#
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NASM translation
Test cases are awful in C, JS and Python, and no random.
This statement does not make sense:
pairs should be descending like [3,5] not [5,3]
Description should be language-agnostic
Both language versions need random tests.
PHP Translation Kumited - please carefully review and approve :D
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Rust translation
Python new test framework should be used (Refer this for more detail)
C translation (author inactive)
Not affected by the issue below, i.e. no nul terms like "0x^123" in the expected result.
Actual and expected are swapped in C#
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
NASM translation
Test cases are awful in C, JS and Python, and no random.
This statement does not make sense:
Description should be language-agnostic
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Both language versions need random tests.
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
PHP Translation Kumited - please carefully review and approve :D
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
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