the higher the rating a beta kata is the more likely it will get out of beta sooner anyway and if it's easy then it wont last in beta anyway, it's the katas that have large issues or inactive owners or even harder katas that wont get out of beta becausd people wont or cant do them or have otstanding issues that wont get solved.
man alan check kardam in test python ro. in dustemun k python ro translate karde bud, taghiresh dade va in case k shoma gofti alan King return mide. yebar dige emtehan konid baad az reset kardan solutionetun.
Mamnun az in k vaght gozashti baraye in kata.
finaly python code is clear here
the higher the rating a beta kata is the more likely it will get out of beta sooner anyway and if it's easy then it wont last in beta anyway, it's the katas that have large issues or inactive owners or even harder katas that wont get out of beta becausd people wont or cant do them or have otstanding issues that wont get solved.
Hanuz code python irad dare, shoma dorost migi.
man alan check kardam in test python ro. in dustemun k python ro translate karde bud, taghiresh dade va in case k shoma gofti alan King return mide. yebar dige emtehan konid baad az reset kardan solutionetun.
Mamnun az in k vaght gozashti baraye in kata.
King dadash
You have to complete a Kata before you can translate it : )