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    Rejecting this to avoid someone accidentally approving it and we have a free Kata out there. you can still fork this and remove the solution setup

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    Solution setup is the entire solution. Should probably strip that down a bit

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    Hi! We are working in this Kata rigth now and we have to change certain things. But thank you for the support.

    Please if you like the idea of the Kata check it soon :)

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    If the input array represents the durations of songs in seconds of each song, and there is 1 minute between each song, how does
    [420, 180, 360, 240, 120, 240, 300, 180] equal 59 minutes and 15 seconds? The sum of the array is 2040 seconds + 7 minutes, (or 420 seconds) for time between songs equals 2460 seconds or 41 minutes, correct? Likewise with the third example: [300, 240, 480, 180, 240, 240, 300, 360], how did this calculate to 57 minutes and 40 seconds? ~ Thanks for any clarification!

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