  • package ej2.func;
    public class HowManySongYouCanPlay {
        static int opt = 0;
        public static int getOpt(int[] songs, int remaining, int count, int interval, int maxTime) {
          opt = 0;
          if (songs.length == 0) return 0;
          for (int i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
            if (songs[i] < 0) return 0;
          playSongs(songs, remaining, count, interval, maxTime);
          return opt;
        private static void playSongs(int[] songs, int remaining, int count, int interval, int maxTime) {
          if (count == songs.length && remaining >= 0 || remaining == 0) {
            if (maxTime - remaining > opt) opt = maxTime - remaining;
          } else if (remaining > 0) {
            if (remaining >= songs[count]) {
              int actualValue = remaining - songs[count];
              if (remaining != maxTime)
                actualValue -= interval;
              if (remaining >= actualValue) {
                playSongs(songs, actualValue, count + 1, interval, maxTime);
            playSongs(songs, remaining, count + 1, interval, maxTime);
    • package ej2.func;
    • public class HowManySongYouCanPlay {
    • static int opt = 0;
    • public static int getOpt(int[] songs, int remaining, int count, int interval, int maxTime) {
    • opt = 0;
    • if (songs.length == 0) return 0;
    • for (int i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
    • if (songs[i] < 0) return 0;
    • }
    • playSongs(songs, remaining, count, interval, maxTime);
    • return opt;
    • }
    • private static void playSongs(int[] songs, int remaining, int count, int interval, int maxTime) {
    • if (count == songs.length && remaining >= 0 || remaining == 0) {
    • if (maxTime - remaining > opt) opt = maxTime - remaining;
    • } else if (remaining > 0) {
    • if (remaining >= songs[count]) {
    • int actualValue = remaining - songs[count];
    • if (remaining != maxTime)
    • actualValue -= interval;
    • if (remaining >= actualValue) {
    • playSongs(songs, actualValue, count + 1, interval, maxTime);
    • }
    • }
    • playSongs(songs, remaining, count + 1, interval, maxTime);
    • }
    • }
    • }


Write a program that takes as input an array of integers representing the durations in seconds of the songs in a concert, and returns the maximum number of seconds whose total duration approaches without passing a 60 minutes (including an additional minute between each song).

Input: An array of integers representing the durations in seconds of the songs in the concert.

Output: An integer representing the maximum number of seconds that can be included in the concert, according to the criteria mentioned above.


1º Array with song durations: [240, 300, 180, 360, 120, 240, 300, 240, 180, 240]. Maximum duration: 2400 seconds(41 minutes)

2º Array with song durations: [397, 634, 274, 510, 405, 323, 291, 279, 142, 117]. Maximum duration: 3512 seconds (58 minutes y 32 seconds)

3º Array with song durations: [531, 329, 401, 542, 216, 313, 489, 517, 485]. Maximum duration: 3510 seconds (58 minutes y 30 seconds)


  • The input array must not be null or empty.
  • The song durations must be positive integers.
  • The program must consider the additional minute between each song when calculating the total duration of the concert.

Good luck!

  • package ej2.func;
    public class HowManySongYouCanPlay {
        static int opt = 0;
        public static int getOpt(int[] songs, int remaining, int contador, int intervalo, int maxTime) {
            playSongs(songs, remaining, contador, intervalo, maxTime);
            return opt;
        public static void playSongs(int[] songs, int remaining, int contador, int intervalo, int maxTime) {
            if (contador == songs.length || remaining == 0) {
                if (maxTime - remaining > opt) opt = maxTime - remaining;
            } else if (remaining > 0) {
                if (remaining >= songs[contador] + intervalo) {
                    int actualValue = remaining - songs[contador];
                    if (remaining != maxTime) actualValue += intervalo;
                    playSongs(songs, actualValue, contador + 1, intervalo, maxTime);
                playSongs(songs, remaining, contador + 1, intervalo, maxTime);
    • package ej2.func;
    • public class HowManySongYouCanPlay {
    • static int opt = 0;
    • public static int getOpt(int[] songs, int remaining, int contador, int intervalo, int maxTime) {
    • playSongs(songs, remaining, contador, intervalo, maxTime);
    • return opt;
    • }
    • public static void playSongs(int[] songs, int remaining, int contador, int intervalo, int maxTime) {
    • if (contador == songs.length || remaining == 0) {
    • if (maxTime - remaining > opt) opt = maxTime - remaining;
    • } else if (remaining > 0) {
    • if (remaining >= songs[contador] + intervalo) {
    • int actualValue = remaining - songs[contador];
    • if (remaining != maxTime) actualValue += intervalo;
    • playSongs(songs, actualValue, contador + 1, intervalo, maxTime);
    • }
    • playSongs(songs, remaining, contador + 1, intervalo, maxTime);
    • }
    • }
    • }


Write a program that takes as input an array of integers representing the durations in seconds of the songs in a concert, and returns the maximum number of seconds whose total duration approximates or equals a minimum of 50 minutes and a maximum of 60 minutes (including the additional minute between each song).

Input: An array of integers representing the durations in seconds of the songs in the concert.

Output: An integer representing the maximum number of songs that can be included in the concert, according to the criteria mentioned above.


1º Array with song durations: [240, 300, 180, 360, 120, 240, 300, 240, 180, 240]. Total duration: 49 minutes (Does not meet the minimum of 50 minutes)

2º Array with song durations: [420, 180, 360, 240, 120, 240, 300, 180]. Total duration: 59 minutes and 15 seconds (Meets the criteria)

3º Array with song durations: [300, 240, 480, 180, 240, 240, 300, 360]. Total duration: 57 minutes and 40 seconds (Meets the criteria)


  • The input array must not be null or empty.
  • The song durations must be positive integers.
  • The program must consider the additional minute between each song when calculating the total duration of the concert.

Good luck!

  • public class HowManySongYouCanPlay {
    	public static String playSongs(Integer[] songDuration) {
    		return "";