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    There isn't an official page but you can view your "site events" here. The page is more for debugging then as a user-facing thing but it will at least show you where your points are coming from.

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    Gives this error

    Expected: False
    But was: "Well done! You have advanced to the qualifying stage. Win 2 out of your next 3 games to rank up."
    at PlayerRankUp.Test100 () [0x00000] in :0

    Can't understand why, because in my text fixtures test for 100 points passes perfectly

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    I have completed 2 default katas, and then 2 betas and 6 7kyu katas. Now my honor if 31 and I wonder why there is so much honor and where can I find achievements my dashboard says I have?

    I mean, is there any place I can see the log of my honor earnings?

    Thank you!

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    I thought that in case two numbers have the same number of ocurrences, the first of them in the original array should be picked, no?

    Although yeah, it is not obvious from the proposition.