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    In the C# environment the following "internal" error occurs both locally and during submission:

    Compilation succeeded - 1 warning(s)
    {"stdout":"","stderr":"/tmp/csharp116422-21-1j5oftx/setup.cs(7,20): warning CS0414: The private field `Helper.random' is assigned but its value is never used\n","wallTime":0}
    Unknown error
    Process took 522ms to complete
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    I'm trying to solve this kata in C# and submitting the solution results in the following error:

    Compilation succeeded - 1 warning(s)
    {"stdout":"","stderr":"/tmp/csharp116422-23-1vclens/fixture.cs(13,24): warning CS0414: The private field `KataTest.KataSolution.random' is assigned but its value is never used\n","wallTime":0}
    Unknown error
    Process took 585ms to complete

    The solution passes the local tests by the way.

    The unknown error might be related to the warning.

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    I'm trying to solve the kata in C# and submitting the solution fails with the following error message:

    Compilation succeeded - 1 warning(s)
    {"stdout":"","stderr":"/tmp/csharp116420-25-1o1odfj/fixture.cs(8,20): warning CS0414: The private field `KataSolution.random' is assigned but its value is never used\n","wallTime":0}
    Unknown error
    Process took 769ms to complete

    I suppose there is an internal error, because the local tests run without any problem.

    The unknown error might be related to the warning, but this is just a wild guess.