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    Looks fixed

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    Pregnor, floraline, TheMac and others with compilation error issue in C#...
    Just comment out or delete the "var r = Helper.random;" line from example test and it will compile without errors and tests will run ;)

    I suggest this issue to be closed.

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    I'm experiencing the same problem. Even worse, my tests don't seem to run unless the code is free of warnings. Which makes the Kata unusable, unless there is a way to disable warnings?

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    I removed the unused var, previously it wasn't an issue.

    It should be fixed now.

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    I removed the unused var. Might work now.

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    He defines a Random variable which is never used inside his submit-testcases "private Random random = new Random();" and since CW throws warnings, all these katas with unused variables will not work (or other warnings too - it's not really an internal error, only a compiler warning)... Here the example tests work, because there are only static tests without unused variables;-)...

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    I'm getting the exact same issue. I don't understand why the author keeps putting the Random class in their test classes for these Kata, because it can't be used under normal circumstances. If it needs to be random, we can simply define a new Random variable in our own class.

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    I am seeing this too. The boilerplate code leads me to believe I don't need to use Helper.random, but even if I try, it is inaccessible!

    Seriously dissapointing!! Especially after spending 30 minutes working on a solution!

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    In the C# environment the following "internal" error occurs both locally and during submission:

    Compilation succeeded - 1 warning(s)
    {"stdout":"","stderr":"/tmp/csharp116422-21-1j5oftx/setup.cs(7,20): warning CS0414: The private field `Helper.random' is assigned but its value is never used\n","wallTime":0}
    Unknown error
    Process took 522ms to complete
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    I'm trying to solve this kata in C# and submitting the solution results in the following error:

    Compilation succeeded - 1 warning(s)
    {"stdout":"","stderr":"/tmp/csharp116422-23-1vclens/fixture.cs(13,24): warning CS0414: The private field `KataTest.KataSolution.random' is assigned but its value is never used\n","wallTime":0}
    Unknown error
    Process took 585ms to complete

    The solution passes the local tests by the way.

    The unknown error might be related to the warning.

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    I'm trying to solve the kata in C# and submitting the solution fails with the following error message:

    Compilation succeeded - 1 warning(s)
    {"stdout":"","stderr":"/tmp/csharp116420-25-1o1odfj/fixture.cs(8,20): warning CS0414: The private field `KataSolution.random' is assigned but its value is never used\n","wallTime":0}
    Unknown error
    Process took 769ms to complete

    I suppose there is an internal error, because the local tests run without any problem.

    The unknown error might be related to the warning, but this is just a wild guess.