Random tests are a "giant" successions of battles effectively. In the description of the methods it is described that not only the method has an output but it also modifies the stats of the pokemons implied so for the next encounter their stats should start at this different state
the thing is that each attack has its own elemental type and that type is what matters when calculating dmg, tackle is of type normal so it's damage isn't modifyed.
From description: the items will be pushed to the right and the empy space filled with '-'
I do not know PHP, @cwps translated it. How should i proceed in this situation?
Thank you for the feedback. If you could point out what you consider edge cases i will add them to the fixed test battery
I fixed the syntax warning
typos corrected
Added corresponding test
Done! really apreciate all the feedback.
I will do it right away
I have done the integer thing now all the answers are integers
Random tests are a "giant" successions of battles effectively. In the description of the methods it is described that not only the method has an output but it also modifies the stats of the pokemons implied so for the next encounter their stats should start at this different state
the thing is that each attack has its own elemental type and that type is what matters when calculating dmg, tackle is of type normal so it's damage isn't modifyed.
the second part(inconsistency) i just fixed it
Thank you for all the feedback. I think i have adressed everything
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Million Thanks
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