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    Some annoying parts of this kata:

    • Not very effective: 0.5x damage -> makes it seem that damage can be a decimal, but from tests I figured out it should be an integer
    • return messages don't show the difference between static text and dynamic parts that need to be filled in
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    This is a fun and challenging kata, and I commend you as a person "pretty new to coding" for authoring a kata as sophisticated as this!

    My only possible criticism: Is it maybe a little inconsistent that we report the healing only up to the max_hp (80 + 60 in the example, because the max_hp is 140), but we report the damage down past zero (80 + 80 in the same example, i.e., damage of 160 for a target object with a max_hp of only 140)? Just wondering whether those damage reports should be limited in the same way that the healing report is limited. Not necessarily an issue, but I'd be interested in what others have to say about it.

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    The initial argument str shadows the builtin str.

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    I am sure this is duplicate, but here is raku translation anyways