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    I really enjoyed this kata and improved my solution multiple times but it still times out after many attempts. If the author could review my latest solution and comment on whether I have a chance with the current approach it would be fantastic! Also I agree that the performance requirement makes this a very 'hard' 6 kyu...

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    Hello, great kata, I solved it using 2 different methods in Python but I cannot run the tests... see the error meessage here:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/workspace/default/", line 2, in
    from solution import alphabet_position
    ImportError: cannot import name 'alphabet_position' from 'solution' (/workspace/default/

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    Hello, I pass all the basic tests in Python but for the randomized tests I always get a pb with Test # 14 (although the strings tested are not the same), so I believe that there is an issue wit the test # 14. As an example I get the following for the string:

    'WUT57954413C,^3x3P5D$Y74 Y(Oc`Rn704621736A{0mD!E5222780777\nZ0w245588982Xi2IsnJ/;3U_9543890000276349'

    'WUT57954414' should equal 'WUT579544140'

    I believe that this wrong and that my value is correct. This test seems to always add a zero to the required output (but it is not needed here obviously). Please asssist! Thanks in advance,

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    Hello, I think I now have a good grasp of this kata. I pass all the tests in Python (using Jupyter Notebook) but in Codewars the following test fails: "the beginning [-0] the end" as it produces no match (but it does produce a match in my Jupyter Notebook...). Please advise, would really like to get this kata completed.

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    Hi, I am not converting binary to decimal & vice versa, what I am doing is creating some lists of integers (without using the int function) from the input strings (simply appending 0 when I get 'O' or 1 when I get '1'), then I manipulate those lists and can resolve the kata in Jupyter notebook (Python 3), but when I run the sample tests in Codewars I get the following error:

    in add
    TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, NoneType found

    And mention that a function is blocked for this kata.

    I would like to know which functions are blocked for this kata, it is unclear to me... Are the basic addition (+) and mutiplication (*) blocked??