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    Hi! Your attempt solution looks great, but can you think "whats make character last in the word"? And what is the best data structure to implement it?

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    I really enjoyed this kata and improved my solution multiple times but it still times out after many attempts. If the author could review my latest solution and comment on whether I have a chance with the current approach it would be fantastic! Also I agree that the performance requirement makes this a very 'hard' 6 kyu...

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    That's because you decided to rename the function from alphabet_position to transformer2. It won't work, the tests look for the original name.

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    Hello, great kata, I solved it using 2 different methods in Python but I cannot run the tests... see the error meessage here:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/workspace/default/", line 2, in
    from solution import alphabet_position
    ImportError: cannot import name 'alphabet_position' from 'solution' (/workspace/default/

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    How are you recreating the tests? How do you know you're using the same regex engine as CW?

    I'd recommend coding directly in CW, to make sure it works as it would on CW as you code it.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Hello, I pass all the basic tests in Python but for the randomized tests I always get a pb with Test # 14 (although the strings tested are not the same), so I believe that there is an issue wit the test # 14. As an example I get the following for the string:

    'WUT57954413C,^3x3P5D$Y74 Y(Oc`Rn704621736A{0mD!E5222780777\nZ0w245588982Xi2IsnJ/;3U_9543890000276349'

    'WUT57954414' should equal 'WUT579544140'

    I believe that this wrong and that my value is correct. This test seems to always add a zero to the required output (but it is not needed here obviously). Please asssist! Thanks in advance,

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    Hello, I think I now have a good grasp of this kata. I pass all the tests in Python (using Jupyter Notebook) but in Codewars the following test fails: "the beginning [-0] the end" as it produces no match (but it does produce a match in my Jupyter Notebook...). Please advise, would really like to get this kata completed.

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    Hi, I am not converting binary to decimal & vice versa, what I am doing is creating some lists of integers (without using the int function) from the input strings (simply appending 0 when I get 'O' or 1 when I get '1'), then I manipulate those lists and can resolve the kata in Jupyter notebook (Python 3), but when I run the sample tests in Codewars I get the following error:

    in add
    TypeError: sequence item 0: expected string, NoneType found

    And mention that a function is blocked for this kata.

    I would like to know which functions are blocked for this kata, it is unclear to me... Are the basic addition (+) and mutiplication (*) blocked??