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    Thanks fakedup, that's indeed correct. In your example above you are counting digits. I missed that before. Only a-z and A-Z should be counted

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    it seems you haven't exclude digits

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    When I run the tests with an invalid expected result, I get "('t', 12) should equal ('t', 15)" as a message. So I think what you are failing on is the length of the result, as I check for that too. It is entirely possible that your result has too many entries. I will adjust the tests to give better messages.

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    Svenito, I am not talking about the test cases in the window on the bottom right. I mean the test cases that the submit button executes after I've already tested my code. I fail on the 52nd test, but I've counted the output vs the input for that test using print() and I don't think I'm incorrect. Could you look into it?

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    Same problem here. my code passes all the tests, but when i try to submit, the code passes 51 tests, and fails 1...
    The error message is: "15 should equal 12"
    To be onest the error is a bit criptic...

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    What does the test message say?

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    If you are trying in python, you can always redefine the __getattribute__ method to check which member is being accessed :

    def __getattribute__(*args) :
      print("member %s is being accessed" % (args[1]))
      return object.__getattribute__(*args)

    Where object is the argument of the class

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    Could you give me insight on test 19? I receive error message saying 0 should equal 1, but I can't figure out where the bug is. I did everything as it was in the instruction.

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    Nice kata, and well-tested. The description has some small problems however...

    • You don't give the default values of each Pacman property until the example.
    • Sometimes you talk about "score" and sometimes "points"; if you make sure to use just one term, this will save confusion.
    • You talk about if the ball is of type "super", but don't tell us how to find this out.
    • I'm not sure why a ghost object is passed to the eatGhost function?

    But as I say--a nice, simple kata. ;P

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    I had the same problem. Copying code, reloading and pasting back solved problem.

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    It's out of draft now. I had some errors and wasn't able to figure out where through the kata builder, but pasting tests and solutions into the trainer worked for trouble-shooting. It should (hopefully) be in good condition now.

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    Git it a try now. It should be working.

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    Thanks for this comment! I was able to troubleshoot the issues, and I think it should be working now!

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    I can't submit right now, but it seems like now you check that the state falls back to regular in test 15, then you suppose in test 16 that eating a ghost increases points by 10, but the state is now regular, so it occurs to me that this test is wrong since the value should be 0 when you ask for 10, then in test 17 you eat an other ghost, suppose that a life is lost, but a life is already lost in the previous test, therefore you suppose 2 when its 1. I also mention that since I can't submit working code, I can neither see spoiler content nor actual test cases.

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    I'm not sure what to do about this.

    I've tried adding test cases according to what @Cameron_ suggested. However, I was unable to save them. I suddenly get a "Final Solution does not have valid code." error.

    I then tried unpublishing and re-publishing, and I think that is when it got set as a draft.

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