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    Thanks fakedup, that's indeed correct. In your example above you are counting digits. I missed that before. Only a-z and A-Z should be counted

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    it seems you haven't exclude digits

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    When I run the tests with an invalid expected result, I get "('t', 12) should equal ('t', 15)" as a message. So I think what you are failing on is the length of the result, as I check for that too. It is entirely possible that your result has too many entries. I will adjust the tests to give better messages.

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    Same problem here. my code passes all the tests, but when i try to submit, the code passes 51 tests, and fails 1...
    The error message is: "15 should equal 12"
    To be onest the error is a bit criptic...

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    It's out of draft now. I had some errors and wasn't able to figure out where through the kata builder, but pasting tests and solutions into the trainer worked for trouble-shooting. It should (hopefully) be in good condition now.

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    Hmm... I'm not sure, but I've just tried submitting a solution, and it shows all the tests pass, but doesn't seem to actually submit my solution (or at least it doesn't redirect me to the solutions page).

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    16.) it "should decrease lives by one, if a ghost is eaten when state is not 'super'"
    17.) it "should reset points to zero, if a ghost is eaten, and there are no lives remaining"

    I haven't been able to find any documentation on setting 'describe' blocks for the Python test framework. If anyone can point me in the right direction for this, it'd be appreciated.

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    Thanks for pointing this out!

    I added a note in the description for each language.

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    It was ball.ballType in Javascript.

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    I had to find this via trial and error: it's "ball.ball_type"

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    There's only one unit test that has a character that occurs 15 times. The string for that is:


    Not sure why you are getting that string back for the failed test.

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    One of the test cases has one letter occur 12 times.