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    my incorrect code is completely visible to everybody who works on stuff on the website

    Well, that's exactly because you forgot to mark it as spoilers... Which is easy to fix:
    mark spoilers as spoilers next time ;-)

    So... you CAN see my code attempt then?
    Then why are we having this interaction?

    No, we can't see you attempt unless you post your code. Pleas read carefully what others said ;-)

    Uh... dude man, the one not reading carefully appears to be you.

    I flat out said something... you then replied with something that did not actually acknowledge the statement I said... I replied in a way that was a bit tongue in cheek... and then you replied like this.

    What I flat out said... was that I had been told in the past that my failed code attempts were completely visible to people. You said something indicating this might not have been an accurate statement--my reply was an attempt to confirm this... and then you went off in a random direction about how "I should have hit spoilers" that seemed to be based upon nothing I actually said.

    But hey... I'm the one at fault here.

    Though... that being said.. this interaction could have been more straight forward.

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    Oh... gog... this fucking asshole.

    Chances are... where I am fucking up is something very easy to predict
    and I'll prolly feel silly... but, that just means there should be an
    error message for that case even more so than before

    Reality is... before raising an issue you should PROPERLY investigate what's
    happening instead of saying "I think something is broken, but I don't know,
    and don't want to know as well".

    I very CLEARLY did do that.

    You're responding like I did, kind of demonstrates that you are being a bit of a dishonest douche bag.

    And C is not Python/JavaScript/PHP or whatever languages you do
    if you fuck something up, you should be happy if you received ANY hint
    on what you're doing wrong.

    Fuck you. Just... fuck you.

    I am saying fuck you... because you just said "fuck you" back to me. You just did so in a very dishonest, liar type way.

    That being said... we are not using C compilers from the 1970s here. So, that response is you just stating meaningless bullshit to be a disingenious asshole.

    Even then... if that were true (it is not) then what is the point of the criterion testing suite being used?

    Clearly, under what you are saying, that should just be fucking tossed out like so much freaking rubbish.

    But hey... let's be real... you are just spouting fucking nonsense again.

    Your original issue made no sense neither as a kata issue

    Just because you have the ability to follow things being said to you akin to a gold fish that has eaten an amount of paint chips as to not be fatal does not mean the things you read do not make sense.

    (because you yourself don't know whether there's anything wrong with the kata)

    I should just jump to conclusions then? That is the proper response then?

    Well, you seem to fucking do that in EVERY INTERACTION you seem to have. My god, the gaul you have on you when you interact with people. Especially when your conclusions make no sense and actually go against other things you've stated.

    nor as a CW issue (because these should be reported on github).

    Considering my code broke when run against a set of code that was not visible to me... it would be warranted to double check there is not an issue in the hidden code I accidentally ran into.

    And... another person told me that it is something that could be reported onto github... but I do this silly thing of not jumping to the most ridiculous conclusion first.

    Something you seem to be completely at odds with.

    As of your behavior - congrats on being reported for breaking the Code of Conduct

    So... you admit you are just trolling people, and had no intention of actually helping people.

    Good to know, that none of your interactions have ever been genuine or mean to do anything other than you to just be a fucking total douche bag.

    Also... my behaviour is completely fine... you, on the other hand... only TECHNICALLY follow the Code of Conduct. Which is actually worse than breaking it.

    edit: reminder, mark up seems to require two line breaks.

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    my incorrect code is completely visible to everybody who works on stuff on the website

    Well, that's exactly because you forgot to mark it as spoilers... Which is easy to fix:
    mark spoilers as spoilers next time ;-)

    So... you CAN see my code attempt then?

    Then why are we having this interaction?

    Wasn't there a version of the comment system, that if I were to do that,
    I'd not be able to see any replies made to that comment?

    Nope, it only applies to notifications. You can still see the comments.

    Ah... for some reason I thought there was this behaviour on the forum in the past.

    Edit: fixed mark up that appears to require two line breaks.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    At least you should post your code with spoilers.

    Also... wasn't there a version of the comment system, that if I were to do that, I'd not be able to see any replies made to that comment?

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    Not allocating space does not get the strings to pass the sample tests.

    Since I am passing the sample tests... it seems that yes, I have to be doing that.

    Also... unless CodeWars is using a special version strcpy, it is also being null-terminated.

    So it is neither of those rookie mistakes. That is not an indication it is not yet another in a long list of rookie mistakes.

    That being said... already your statement of null termination and allocating space is already a bit more productive than what I've had with the other person I am really annoyed with.

    At least you should post your code with spoilers.

    A previous interaction I had, had somebody at a higher rank, mocking me, telling me that "my incorrect code is completely visible to everybody who works on stuff on the website"... I cannot remember who it is for certain, so my desire to blame you know who cannot be substantiated...

    But that statement from somebody (who, I honestly cannot remember who it was--which just sounds fucking passive aggressive as fuck... and that just makes saying it even worse) is why I've not posted that as part of spoiler code.

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    Go complain about this on the CW official repo. Kata comments are not for calling out specific users.

    The CW Official Repo is also not for calling out specific users either. So your suggestion is fucking busy work nosnense.

    Also, can you stop behaving like a snowflake?

    What the fuck does that even mean? What the fuck does "acting like a snowflake mean" actually mean?

    I've heard people say it... and I thought I knew what it meant... but then people kept saying it... and... it... it does not make any fucking sense.

    It is just noises people keep fucking making.

    It's just a program crashing. Why are you acting like he has killed your mom or something?

    Uh... what the fuck are you talking about?

    My being slightly irritating with FArekkusu being fucking human garbage in literally every interaction he has, literally interfering with things happening on the website has nothing to do with the program crashing.

    My being slightly irritated with FArekkusu being a flaming landfill of human excrement has to do with him literally being the fucking worse to have reply to a comment... and it just being something that just keeps happening.

    The issue with the core dump... is that it reveals a lot of information about the container that the C solution is being run into--and while it might require a few hoops to jump through--it is possible for this to be exploited by people who would use Codewar as a node in other internet exploits... I literally have no way to explain that without having the words sound silly.

    But the issue of the core dump is not an issue with FArekkusu... which is rather simple and easy to follow and comprehend... or so I would have thought.

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    Also... fuck you, FArekkusu, the "C Programming Expert" is either a fucking dunce, or something you made up, just so you can be a fucking asshole to somebody in comments again.

    As much as I am equally annoyed by the "Appeal to an Authority Figure" as I am to the whole "Distrust all Proported Authority Figures"... the fact you've thrown that off hand once... and then hit the solve issue button without having that supposed real life--and not at all imaginary or fucking delusional--C Programmer Expert to tip their hat in... just has me even more irritated with you... and honestly...

    IT would be so much fucking better, if when people were having issues, that YOU FArekkusu were to just shut the fuck up--and not proceed to come in and be a fucking rude piece of burning landfill dumpster fire that you are in EVERY FUCKING INTERACTION you have on this website. You provide nothing of any clarification or help when you type--so much as just condescending assholish responses--that you have a large tendency to be completely fucking incorrect about.

    Also... hitting as issue over the Kata... as there really does not seem to be a better way to point out this as being an issue--and various other attempts that other social media websites have attempted to deal with this scenario only seem to further exacerbate it.

    Look... I get that you've gotten up to 1kyu... but you fucking suck at interacting with people. Even in a text based interaction... and every fucking interaction you do, is mixed with you making the interaction worse--and often you spouting off incorrect statements and informations while just coming across as literally the fucking worse. Please... just... please... lay off of it for a bit. There are other people who do these matters better, solve matters more effectively and do not have people thinking they are dealing with a total fucking asshole. If you see an issue/suggestion or anything that requires you to interact with a human... maybe get somebody who is capable of resembling a person to do this instead?

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    Learn how to fucking read FArekkusu, you fucking dejectable human piece of shit to interact with on this website.

    The issue is not just that my "solution crashes"... it is that it crashes in random and unpredictable manners. It will actually run through the sample test cases fine... and will go through a fair amount of the random test cases before it just decides to give a core dump--with an error that really does not tell me what is going on.

    What is more... the website is giving me a fair amount of "success information" before OUT OF NOWHERE it crashes without any reason given.

    The fact I've stated, that I can get rather far into the random tests before it crashes should have fucking clued you in, to why what you are saying is fucking stupid nonsense bullshit, you giant fucking aggrevating douche bag to work with.

    No... the issue is not fucking solved. Please, do not hit "issue solved" simply because you are too fucking basic to follow a simple interaction.

    Especially when part of what the issue is, involves a possible security issue with CodeWars.

    That is... assuming it is not that the test cases do not misapply "free()" in a way, that could cause issues for the person doing the C version of the Kata--if the person doing the C solution.

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    Then this means the useless error messages are where we get to have the fun times.

    Which, since I am getting a total core dump--might also be a possible security issue as well. Though, one that would require a few elaborate hoops to be jumped through.

    Chances are... where I am fucking up is something very easy to predict and I'll prolly feel silly... but, that just means there should be an error message for that case even more so than before.

    edit: on the total core dump--I'm getting a fair amount of information about what is running, at least in where the C code is being segmented off--and the core dump is letting me know where certain libraries are located in the memory... essentially, one just has to have this type of core dump happen a certain amount of times, and make use of a format-style code injection, and... they can have access to at least a single area where the C-code is being ran.

    Which is part of why whatever simple straight forward and dumb error I am doing, should prolly get a proper error message... and not this large amount of information that does me no good for solving the current problem, but can be used for a way into the Codewars' server structure.

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    For me... it is not the obscurity... it is the use of "eval"

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    This is the pointer math I was hoping to see in the solutions!

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    ... this... okay, not bad.

    But... can you make it have more black magic? Like... with pointer maths?

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    Everytime I go into a damned movie theatre I think of this Kata.

    I would tag this as an issue--but I don't think I am in good enough graces with the mods to have them laugh about that xD

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