not sure why this was marked solved, just did this in groovy and had the same issue. Setting as a float, which is a requirement in the instructions, causes it to fail. Perhaps an explanation of why it was marked resolved would be nice ie a groovy bug, but, its 5 years old, not sure its a groovy bug? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Great explanation. No need to worry about mutation of the original input as strings are primitive data types, i.e. passed by value. We are passing the value of the original string as a parameter and it is being stored in the local variable 's'. Thereafter, we are manipulating the local variable 's' so the original string remains the same.
Just curious, but what method did they use? I can't seem to find it.
I used an alternate method but can't submit to see the other answers.
I do not get this solution man, can you explain?
this case very confuse, because the formula in code is missing.
not sure why this was marked solved, just did this in groovy and had the same issue. Setting as a float, which is a requirement in the instructions, causes it to fail. Perhaps an explanation of why it was marked resolved would be nice ie a groovy bug, but, its 5 years old, not sure its a groovy bug? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Super explanation, thank you for this - I was going slightly mad.
I solved using a for loop 😆
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thats the beaty of codewars you get to see different implementation of the same problem
compute & scalability-wise, is this the best way?
You sure? this is a 8kyu quiz? i try to solve like two sum...
I guess i'm over thinking
how does this one peform the multiply by 9 on odds?
Hi, how/why does absolute work for all use cases?
super clever, nice!
Great explanation. No need to worry about mutation of the original input as strings are primitive data types, i.e. passed by value. We are passing the value of the original string as a parameter and it is being stored in the local variable 's'. Thereafter, we are manipulating the local variable 's' so the original string remains the same.
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