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    in C, the initial code should be a function definition, not a declaration

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    Each group should then be sorted by Last name, First name, Middle name.

    When someone has only one name, it's considered as both their first and last name.

    It is not specified what happens in the case of John John and John, which happens frequently in random tests.

    It's also not specified what happens if one name doesn't have a middle name, e.g John A Doe vs John Doe.

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    You need more edge test cases to avoid solutions, such as my python's solution, which can't work when there is a chess blocking another's line of sight, passing the test.

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    You should use a specific length bound for each language.
    For example in Python, I have obtained a 220-character-long solution, which is far below initial requirements of 280 characters.

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    No semicolons makes it impossible to use for loops, is that on purpose?

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    Remember that pawns can only move and take forward.

    For people who don't know chess, it might be nice to specify that pawns take forward diagonally.

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    substitutions.every((subs, subsI, allSubs) => subs.every((sub, subI) => allSubs[0][subI] == sub))

    This condition is totally wrong, for example, results are different for

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    K has translations that use wrongly numbered substitutions

    Without specifying the number of substitutions, any substitutions are valid because you can argue that the default language is ignoring some of the substitution inputs used by the other substitions. (And in the random tests some substition texts starting from 2 are considered valid). So currently it's unclear what logic should be applied to this validation.

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    The format of content needs to be elaborated. Besides, some requirements are stated but not explained, like what is a substitution? I can only see something like %1$@ in the inputs, which doesn't explain which part of it constitutes a substitution.

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    • Can the comments be multiline?
    • And is the fromatting around the "equal" signs guaranteed?
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    • function name should be snake_case. You can use a try ... except block at the top of the test suite to keep backward compatibility (and don't forget to update the sample tests and complete solution):
      whoIsWinner = who_is_winner
    except NameError:
    • random tests generate cases where connect > size (= impossible to win); and cases where the number of moves is insufficient for any player to win. Both translate to "draw", but still...