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    Hm - specifically, that global variable would give me a different outcome between jsfiddle and codewars?
    if you don't mind, could you explain how that would be the case?
    Actually - nevermind - I have a feeling I am not able to explain exactly what I am noticing - and this isn't going to be helpful in the end. I really appreciate the input and help. Thank you.

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    Thank you so much - always helpful. I guess, though -- if you don't mind -- what I was wondering about is that I got such different outcomes from jsfiddle vs codewars.
    I was surprised by that and wondered why.

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    I am certain my code is too complicated, so forgive me. I only started this journey a few weeks ago. I am learning.
    Would it be okay to ask for suggestions on debugging? I have thought of every single edge case I can -- and I still average around 20 failed tests each time.
    Again, I get one thing I am doing rather clunkily at this point is creating bloated code. For me, in these early stages of learning, separating out each step like this is the best I can do and actually helps me think through the problem...
    So, that said -- I apologize for that.
    The question I have is this:

    1. What are the specific steps to take to be able to see the test cases - if this is possible?
    2. What are some good resources for coming up with the edge cases that are stopping me from passing the tests?

    Here is my code so far:
    (I recently added in some if clauses to try to test to see if those elements were an that is why they are there...)
    function tripledouble(num1, num2) {
    var re = /^\d*(\d)\1{2}\d*$/g;
    var myArray = num1.toString().split(re);
    if (myArray === null) {
    return 0;
    } else {
    var myStr = myArray.toString();
    var res = myStr.replace(/[, ]+/g, " ").trim();
    var res2 = res + res;
    var re2 = new RegExp(res2, "gi");
    var MyArray2 = num2.toString().match(re2);
    if (MyArray2 === undefined) {
    return 0;
    if (MyArray2 === null) {
    return 0;
    if (MyArray2.length >= 0) {
    return 1;
    else {
    return 0;
    var num1 = 799900990;
    var num2 = 990010000;
    alert(tripledouble(num1, num2));

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    Oh I always do that. Thank you again. I only started learning a few weeks ago.

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    I don't want to read a response with a spoiler...but thank you.
    I re-read the mdn page about reduce...
    I then used the sort and reduce method to get rid of duplicates and got rid of the if statement...
    I still have the same error.
    Only for the smallest test case.

    I very much understand that as I practice my code will hopefully get more elegant and less complicated. At this point I am very much simply enjoying the practice.

    Thank you very much. Any insight is greatly appreciated.

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    Don't focus on the promise, please.
    What I am curious about is how to resolve the one test that I am not passing.
    Is using some sort of exception handling appropriate?
    I get that using a promise is too much here.
    Thank you.

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    Hi - I just attempted in js...this is only my second kata so I apologize if I am asking something obvious...
    I passed sample submitted my solution.
    I passed all but one test -- and I am a bit confused by the result and what I am supposed to do. I don't want to include any spoilers basically, my question is simply...if I passed the sample would I get a failed test upon an attempt?
    And for range.length?
    I am happy to provide more info as necessary.