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    jsfiddle only calls your function once. CW calls your function multiple times. That's the difference.

    Think about what happens when your function is called the second time ;-)

    Edit: Even better, don't just put 1 function call on your jsfiddle. Put multiple of them, in the exact way the tests in CW are done ;-)

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    Better than me explaining it, why don't you try calling your function several times and checking the result?

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    Already told you before, the global var (count) keeps its value between tests, giving you wrong values after the first call.

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    Variable "b" inside "reducer" function must be integer, so you can use a * parseInt(b),
    you can delete for loop, keep if-else statement.
    Also "reduce" need initial value (1 in your case).
    Hint: you should use "return" on two places (becouse of recursion).

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    Don't use global vars, they keep their values between tests.
    Your function doesn't return.

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    No problem. Now after you've done it your way, I suggest you see how other people solved it and learn different ways of doing it.

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    Debug your code for that case then. If you still have the same problem, you're not using reduce the right way.

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    Remove the if and read this

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    Simplify your code, why are you trying to use a promise here? You're trying to use some complex things without needing them. You have like 6 loops there and this kata can be solved with only one.
    Return 0 if no multiple of 3 or 5 is found.

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    My guess is you're counting the number passed in too when it says:

    Finish the solution so that it returns the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5 below the number passed in.

    There is only one sample test after all.

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    Hi, you probably encountered certain edge case. You can paste your solution here (with spoiler) and someone who finished this kata earlier can see your solution and try to help.