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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Yes this normal. There are a small number of test case. Your code may simply miss possibilities not included in the tesrs. For example in this kata the test cases do not include any two digit numbers. This could cause an error in your code if you build a string and then try to use join (Python). I made this error in my first attempt.

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    I think when this user posted this Github didnt allow that for free yet. Its a recent change to do it free.

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    can't you just make the repository private ?

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    Same here. E.g 1kyu code on my git would be ok?

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    Approved, thanks for translation;-)!

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    Java translation. Please, review and approve.

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    While I agree with the writer and upvoted the comment, there is something else to consider: the reputation of CodeWars. If the rankings are to be meaningful to others, such as employers, then it is important to root out cheaters. Otherwise the rankings have no social value.

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    I would like to post some of my more interesting or useful solutions to Kata in a repository on GitHub. I would change the function names to make it more difficult to search for them. Is that acceptable?

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    Yes... older katas are often ranked a little bit higher;-). Today some freaks;-) always vote 7-8kyu, so keep this one as a little present:-)... 5 years ago you found very less C# katas too and by the way it was necessary to learn different languages to reach "level 1kyu" - today it's easy:-).

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    Closer to a 6 kyu IMHO. Fun nonetheless.

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    I enjoyed this one. I did not realize Python had a switch case (alpha) command. When tried to look up the command all I got was info about how to implement switch case (control flow). HA HA. Thanks smile67 for the entertaining problem.

    BTW, I had no trouble understanding the current description.

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    I would like to post some of my more interesting or useful solutions to Kata in a repository on GitHub. I would change the function names to make it more difficult to search for them. Is that acceptable?

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    apologies for the off by one, thanks for the fix

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