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    I think you must have falling into the short window where there was a glitch with the translation approval system. I've put it on my todo list to look into your account.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Yeah, I figured that out immediately. What I meant by my message above is to add a link on a user page, so that one doesn't have to edit the URL.

  • Custom User Avatar

    Hi 'MAN'.repeat(3);! I just found a way to see ours ;-) Just change the username in the given url by yours ^_^


  • Custom User Avatar

    +1 For It I also want to see mine :/

  • Custom User Avatar

    This is very interesting info, Jake. I wish it was provided as a link in user's profile!

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    You can use the debugging page to see your points breakdown here. Its not pretty but it gets the job done. It looks like you earned 30 honor for 6 blue and 10 honor for 1 purple. Note that each challenge completed is worth 1 honor + the ranking honor for each is additive on to that number. You do show that you earned honor for all 13 of your completed kata.

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    The points are updated in the background, so if the site was busy the queue may have been backed up and your awarded points were delayed. 13 points for a 5 kyu is too many, in that case you must have been awarded for other activities (maybe up votes).

    Creating a comment does not in itself count as honor, but other users up-voting your comments do. Kata translations are only awarded honor once they are approved.