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    Sounds good. If I get some time in the next few days I'll try to replicate and dig deeper.

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    I'm not sure I understand. I just tested the reference solution locally and got 376 on the inputs your provided. Do you have a particular test I could try to debug?

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    This was intentional. The description and tests where meant to be illustrative but not exhuastive. I can certainly add an overlapping hint but I feel that the language of "counts occurrences of a given string" is precise enough.

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    The test cases for Java appear to be hosed.

    Expected exception for end of input caught: java.lang.RuntimeException: #code: ssstntnttssstnttttnstssstsntnttssstsnttttnstsssttntnttsssttnnnn

    So... it expected an exception and it got an exception and the test failed?

    Plus everything DSchwettmann said is correct.

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    As a matter of observation, I am new to the site and decided to jump right in and do all 1k katas for Java and even after completing all of them, my ranking in Java is just 3k. It seems odd that I can solve literally every problem in class and still be ranked two levels below the given class.