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    what about there being the Et-sign at the start of the string? When it appears like this, it isn't replaced?

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    Marking issue as resolved following the addition of the RandomMagnaCartaTests test class, containing three methods.

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    Marking suggestion as resolved following the addition of the FirstCharacterAndAmpersand() test methd.

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    Great spot, thank you! I have added Michalis to the description and updated the solution & Clause_FiftyFour().

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    What causes the this error?
    Test Failed
    String lengths are both 1602. Strings differ at index 448.
    Expected: " ad illum terminum sancti Michalis sine occasione, ita..."
    But was: " ad illum terminum sancti michalis sine occasione, ita..."
    the list with the words to capitalize contains "michaelis" and not "michalis"

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    As illustrated here & is a ligature of E and t, rather than e and t. Therefore, I believe it is appropriate to replace occurences of Et and et.

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    I like these designations for historical regions, individuals, or events."
    Should the et-sign at the beginning of a sentence really be replaced by the &-sign?

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    The String object is immutable. Every time you use one of the methods in the System.String class, you create a new string object in memory, which requires a new allocation of space for that new object. In situations where you need to perform repeated modifications to a string, the overhead associated with creating a new String object can be costly. The System.Text.StringBuilder class can be used when you want to modify a string without creating a new object. For example, using the StringBuilder class can boost performance when concatenating many strings together in a loop.

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    hobovsky, try again. 😎

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    I see what you mean, but my fixed tests already cover the introduction and all of the clauses of the document in question. The random tests are a good addition because they ensure that a solution cannot be hardcoded.

    What if someone hardcodes a fixed test, and random tests do not generate this scenario? :) If this can happen, that is.

    For example, I copied your solution, deleted the word "pasha" from the poper nouns array, hardcoded the only fixed test with the word "pasha", resubmitted a couple of times, and passed all random tests.

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    you should have 100

    Each random test is enclosed in a for loop that runs 100 times.

    random tests should optimally cover all types of tests including edge cases...

    I see what you mean, but my fixed tests already cover the introduction and all of the clauses of the document in question. The random tests are a good addition because they ensure that a solution cannot be hardcoded.

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    Hacky is fine. I've added a couple of randoms that variably test strings with ampersands. What do you think?

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    you should have 100, and keep in mind that random tests should optimally cover all types of tests including edge cases...

  • Custom User Avatar

    I've added two randoms. What do you think?

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