You should include tests that include numbers with multiple of the same digit e.g. 22322, as when first attempting the kata I didn’t realise that consecutive digits should be grouped together, but I still managed to pass the tests. It wasn’t until submitting the final solution that I happened to get a random test case that contained this type of number and the tests failed.
Hi your tests are not checking to see if the numbers returned are unique. Returing a array with fixed duplicate values and a single randomly generated value pass incorrectly.
I've updated the description as I agree your suggestion explains more clearly what's required.
There are already random tests.
Oops, fixed :)
I've updated the description so hopefully it makes things clearer.
I still don’t think the description is overly clear. I think adding some examples to the description or some Example Tests would help.
The result and expected values in the test are the wrong way around, so error the message is reversed.
✘ Expected: USER RESULT, instead got: EXPECTED VALUE
It took me a while to work out what was going on as the expected the result was the one I thought I was returning.
You should include tests that include numbers with multiple of the same digit e.g. 22322, as when first attempting the kata I didn’t realise that consecutive digits should be grouped together, but I still managed to pass the tests. It wasn’t until submitting the final solution that I happened to get a random test case that contained this type of number and the tests failed.
I think there is an issue with the example test cases as I had the same problem. The outer 'describe' is missing }); causing the syntax error
The example test cases are missing the closing }); causing a syntax error
The details list 'EOD' as 'the end of the day' but the tests use EOP
Looks good.
Hi your tests are not checking to see if the numbers returned are unique. Returing a array with fixed duplicate values and a single randomly generated value pass incorrectly.
I have now added some random tests