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    Issue summary:

    • Solver should be provided with Sample Test Cases
    • PEP 8: function, variable and parameter names should be in snake_case so the parameter name to my_func should be renamed from L to l
    • Needs random test cases
    • All constraints mentioned in Description should be enforced in Submit tests (e.g. if the description says that loops are not allowed then a solution using loops should fail the Submit tests)
    • Lack of novelty and originality - pretty sure there exists an approved Kata at least 90% similar to this one even without searching
    • Empty product should be 1, not 0
    • Order of actual and expected arguments flipped in test.assert_equals leading to confusing error messages upon failed assertion - correct order should be test.assert_equals(actual, expected)

    In its current state, the best course of action is to unpublish this Kata.

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    Hi @andrewkof,

    Welcome to the club of Kata authors! :D While you may be inclined to author a Kata whenever an idea pops up in your mind and publish it for the rest of the community to enjoy, you should be aware that published Kata are expected to meet strict expectations in order to pass the testing stage and leave Beta.

    Please do read through the article linked above before continuing on your journey of authoring Kata. We're looking forward to more Kata authored by you once you have read the article mentioned ;)
