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    Please, provide justifications

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    Thanks, good idea. I'll update the test next week.

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    In my opinion existing Honor system encourages people to write a lot of new Katas rather then solving them. Why I think it's a problem: because currently I see hundreds of Katas with 7-8 Kyu in the list with the exactly the same tasks inside (for example, only this week I've found 3 Katas to find/count/replace vowels in the string). As far as people do not submit a lot of Katas they cannot distinguish these Katas as duplicates.

    Also, as far as we have hundreds of these "one-minute" Katas nobody solves more complicated or old Katas with Beta status. For example more than a year ago I've submitted two Katas and they are still in Beta status, because one of these Katas has 28 solutions and the second - only 6.

    In my opinion we need to:

    1. Reduce honor points for creation of Katas. Especially for easy Katas (like 8, 7, 6, 5 Kyu ranks);
    2. Add a new Leaderboards, where Honor does not take into account;

    Thanks for understanding.

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    Updated description. I didn't find any examples of expand/collapse for markdown. Not sure, if it's supported, but it would be quite handy here, because Kata description is shared between all the languages.

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    Fully agree. For example add new progress status: "Not completed for selected language", when only one language selected in languages filter.

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    Description is absolutely unclear, I didn't get the idea until submitted code.

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    The description is very unclear, but what is expected:
    func(0, 5) => 1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3 + 4^3 + 5^3
    and vice versa:
    func(5, 0) => 1^3 + 2^3 + 3^3 + 4^3 + 5^3

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    Add information regarding translations to Profile page (like list of Katas, but for translations: completed, not finished, pending approve). Also, add a separate line for honor like for Completed Kata, Authored Kata, etc.

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    Solution, which takes 4 second for 10^8 will not pass I believe. It's pretty slow. Time limit on Codewars as far as I know is 6 seconds and the largest value in this kata is 10^9, so your solution will work about 30 second to resolve it. That's why you see timeout exception.

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    1. It's too easy;
    2. Need more tests: 'return 3' hack is working perfectly;
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    I believe it's due to infinite loop in the solution for some test cases.

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    I see sometimes, when I solve 4 kyu or 3 kyu katas I receive only 1 honor point (should be 5). Sometimes after that I can receive 9 points for second kata (so it will be 10 for 2 katas, which is correct). But not always, sometimes it's 6 (1 for first and 5 for second).

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    The problem in the delegate function, you are passing to sort function. The compare function should return number, not boolean:

    Try something like that:

    values.sort(function(a, b) {
      return a - b;
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    Yes, sort should work correctly. Could you please, provide sample of code so I can help?

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    It's created due to closure mechanism in JavaScript. Each function in JavaScript has access to local variables from the functions, inside of which it was declared. So local variables from one function are still available for all functions, which were declared inside of this function.

    You can read more here:

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