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    Hey, when I'm attempting, it says an error 'Use of unresolved identifier dict', although I have no variable named dict in my code. It's trying to attempt NOT with my code. Pls fix, Swift 5.0

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    this one is definitely wrong

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    Anyway, I've found a way to make it work and finish this Kata. Pls see my solution, I've commented the places in code where the description is wrong.

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    26 out of 1649? Nice, but I still think that that's an issue, not a question. Look at the solution of Ann's day 2. Why is it wrong? I've directly followed the instructions given in the details.

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    I think that the description of this kata is wrong.

    "On day n the number of katas done by Ann should be n minus the number of katas done by John at day t, t being equal to the number of katas done by Ann herself at day n - 1."
    Let's assume, it is the second day and I'm calculating Ann's kata count at day 2.

    ann(2) = 2 - john(ann(1)) = 2 - john(1) = 2 - 0 = 2. Why do all test cases state that Ann has finished 1 kata on the second day?

    Same story with John...
    Or am I missing something?