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    Fixed, try now.

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    yeah same problem

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    I have this same issue.

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    Hey, when I'm attempting, it says an error 'Use of unresolved identifier dict', although I have no variable named dict in my code. It's trying to attempt NOT with my code. Pls fix, Swift 5.0

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    this one is definitely wrong

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    Yes I think the description is quite confusing and misleading. When "n" is used to describe the number of days, it starts with 1. But when "n" is used to calculate the number of catas on a given day, it is an index which starts with 0. The description mentioned this in passing, but I think it should specifically point this out.

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    Anyway, I've found a way to make it work and finish this Kata. Pls see my solution, I've commented the places in code where the description is wrong.

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    26 out of 1649? Nice, but I still think that that's an issue, not a question. Look at the solution of Ann's day 2. Why is it wrong? I've directly followed the instructions given in the details.

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    Or am I missing something?

    It's a question, not an issue. Look at the top of the page to see how many guys passed the kata.

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    I think that the description of this kata is wrong.

    "On day n the number of katas done by Ann should be n minus the number of katas done by John at day t, t being equal to the number of katas done by Ann herself at day n - 1."
    Let's assume, it is the second day and I'm calculating Ann's kata count at day 2.

    ann(2) = 2 - john(ann(1)) = 2 - john(1) = 2 - 0 = 2. Why do all test cases state that Ann has finished 1 kata on the second day?

    Same story with John...
    Or am I missing something?