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    Kata has been unpublished, so issue resolved ;-)

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    wrong task in the description... (even that...)

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    Actually, as @donaldsebleung has mentioned in the chat, in this kind of cases they should really be using Qualified instead.

    So, yeah, find jhoffner ;-)

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    Whoah... calm down there B4B.

    Just raise the "issue" and move along... Shouting abuse at people/Katas won't make CW a better place.


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    Yes, I think pretty everyone agrees that the honor requirement for creating a kata should be much, much higher than 75.

    Though there's also another bug that makes people with any amount of honor able to publish a kata:

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    We may still have one solution: jhoffner... ;o

    BTW, to avoid this kind of bullshit-katas, the honor limit allowing katas creations should be raised in my opinion. Actually, maybe that is not the honor that should be taken in consideration but rather the ranking. Or better: combination of the two. For example, no kata creation before rank 4 kyu in the considered language. Or at least 5 kyu...

    EDIT: and if he teaches that way, well... I would say "LOL"! Bad material, bad teacher...

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    After some cursory searches the author seems to be a teacher at an university in Taiwan (he put the information in the profile), so I'm guess he's using CW as a platform for holding his own problems for the students. The sudden, abnormal surge of amount of completion supports this theory too.

    Which means there are not much we can do.

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    THIS IS BULLSHIIIIIIT! Now I'm angry, yes.

    Seriously!?? Learn how to create qualitative katas and stop to publish aweful things like that.

    Even the name of the kata is wrong... :(

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    ok, I'll say it, sorry, but this is bullshit...

    • class should be Seafood, not seafood
    • constructor is not described
    • no sample tests
    • name of the property not tested while imposed in the description
    • not enough tests (needs random ones, more fixed tests would not be useful)
    • description formatting is really poor

    please un-publish this...

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    • not enough tests (only 1!)
    • no sample tests (for beginner katas, that's non sense!)
    • excpected behavior not checked
    • working answer available in the description.

    As said by Voile before: you should learn how to create proper katas before publishing some. And you should delete those you published already (or at least, un-publish them so that you could make some changes.

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    and same thing for the two other ones... :o

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    Please learn how to write a good kata before your write your first kata.

    In the meantime, you should consider unpublishing this kata.