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    wrong task in the description... (even that...)

  • Default User Avatar

    ok, I'll say it, sorry, but this is bullshit...

    • class should be Seafood, not seafood
    • constructor is not described
    • no sample tests
    • name of the property not tested while imposed in the description
    • not enough tests (needs random ones, more fixed tests would not be useful)
    • description formatting is really poor

    please un-publish this...

  • Default User Avatar
    • not enough tests (only 1!)
    • no sample tests (for beginner katas, that's non sense!)
    • excpected behavior not checked
    • working answer available in the description.

    As said by Voile before: you should learn how to create proper katas before publishing some. And you should delete those you published already (or at least, un-publish them so that you could make some changes.

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    Please learn how to write a good kata before your write your first kata.

    In the meantime, you should consider unpublishing this kata.