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    не мог решить относительно долгое время. Мучался и не мог понять в чем дело. Оказалось, что забыл игнорирование регистра(

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    addressed in JS

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    JS fork

    • more balanced random tests
    • address this issue, giving a higher probaility of lowercase letters generation
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    You can use a for loop. Your current solution use one but never updates status. This is why you are always returning true.

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    why cant i use 'for' to compelete the issue?

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    I'm not native English speaker and new for the Codewars. I just saw now that "ignore letter case" is correct for ignoring upper case letters. It's a synonim indeed. Sorry for my confusion. Would be better remove the comment. I put ISSUE because didn't find a label like "suggestion". Thanks guys for alerting me.

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    "case (in)sensitivity" is a pretty standard term, I'd get used to it

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    Not a kata issue, a suggestion at best.

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    I don't think this is an issue, "ignore letter case" means the same as "case insensitive", I don't see how this is an improvement.

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    Would be something like "ignore case sensitivity" instead of "ignore letter case"

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    so MoOse and moose would be treated the same way

    Test for "moose" expects false. Test for "moOse" expects false. Relevant assertions in tests are:

    assert.strictEqual( isIsogram("moose"), false );
    assert.strictEqual( isIsogram("moOse"), false, "same chars may not be same case" );

    Doesn't this mean they both behave the same way? What is different about them?

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    The tests expects false, I don't know what you're complaining about, the test is fine, you're wrong.

    assert.equal( isIsogram("moOse"), false, "same chars may not be same case" );

    That is the test, if it was case-sensitive as you claim, it would expect true because o and O would be considered different letters, but it isn't.

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    Please reread what I wrote and re-check your tests. As many other users have pointed out, that test fails for them, as well. Case insensitization would mean that the case wouod be ignored, so MoOse and moose would be treated the same way. That isn't happening as it should be; it's not working as intended. Check your work.

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