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    Really Confused on what this STDRR error means and why I'm getting this
    File "/workspace/default/", line 4 "Dermatoglyphics" --> true "aba" --> false ^^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax

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    Inconsistency in input-casing generation

    • Python && ruby: input will only generate lowercase letters

    • JS && CS: Very low probability of generating lowercase letters

    Random tests should be modified to randomly select lower + uppercase character from a string!

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    attempt resulted to: Test Crashed
    Caught unexpected signal: SIGSEGV (11). Invalid memory access.
    what is the meaning of this error?
    I'm using C

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    I keep getting this error when i hit attempt: "Test Crashed\nCaught unexpected signal: SIGSEGV (11). Invalid memory access."
    What does this mean??

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    Random tests are missing.

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    quick question from a newbie...... how am i supopost to know? I mean I can google my way trouth the solution but isn't that cheating? Is there a better way to find this stuff out or do you all just google things?
    Thanks for any answer :)

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    In Random tests I have this:

    Testing for mwjwnodarvzccaj
    It should work with random inputs too - Expected: true, instead got: false

    Why it is expected true? Testing string isn't isogram. All Basic tests are pass, but with random I have this problem