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    Upvote comments sound good, but you can get upvotes with "Wow, so short -> best practice", so I still think down-vote isn't a bad idea.

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    @jhoffner conceptually, your solution doesn't make much sense - when you're storing the temperature, you add a timestamp to it which is the date at which the next-to-be-stored temperature was taken, not of the actual temperature you're storing. Also, you store a null value as the first temperature. Seems to me the test cases aren't very well written.

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    Working, now!

  • Custom User Avatar

    Sorry, didn't know you could also resolve suggestions.

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    Issue still persists. Edit profile > link acc to Github results in:

    Uh oh! Something went wrong! (500)

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    I agree with @wthit56 that the tests should be randomized. Also, I'd probably include fewer predefined user tests, so that he's actually required to think a little and write his own, rather than coding around the test cases until everything works.

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    At first I thought it's indeed unclear, but reading it again, I don't see a problem. You're adding the digits, and whenever your number crosses the 10 mark, you add those two digits so you, again, have a one-digit number.

    What I think the author could improve is:

    birthdate: year, month, and date

    the 'date' should probably be 'day'.

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    Linking Github to your account after registration doesn't work (returns 500). Hasn't worked for some days, now.

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    Yes, when you are inside the 'editor', but it wasn't obvious if you were reading just the description. In any case. Resolved, now.

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    Instructions not clear. You say:

    We need the ability to divide an unknown integer into an even number of parts

    At first, I thought you give us a number and we should try to divide it into even-number of integer parts, if possible. It should be written as:

    We need the ability to divide an unknown integer into a number of even parts — or at least as even as they can be

    From the original description, it's not really clear whether you even supply the number of desired parts (making it look like a much harder kata)

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Never seen this before. Do you really gain any performance benefits by putting it in an IIFE, and not having to re-declare the variables again?

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    You might want to test odd-length arrays, should someone come up with an algorithm that would choke on them. I don't know, maybe it's not such a big issue.

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    Yes, it did help me, thank you. It's funny to realize that most of the time I'm stuck it's because of a confirmation bias that makes me think I already have the solution and the only thing wrong is the test itself.

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    User-icon is not being shown after a comment is posted and browser refreshed (might have something to do with my icon being imported via twitter)

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