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    +1 for downvote. It's really unfortunate when solutions that are problematic have lots of best practices upvotes.

    I rather like the idea of upvoting best practice comments, rather than directly upvoting a best practice, as having a solution voted best practice doesn't really do much for most folks.

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    +1 for downvote. I've seen a lot of inappropriate "best practices".
    I think it's a really shame.

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    What about the following alternative to downvotes: allow "Issue" comments on solutions.

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    +1 for downvote.

    I don't think it's enough to just add a constructive comment to a bad solution that has a tonne of upvotes. I doubt if a large number of users even read the comments.

    I've only been a member for a day and already noticed the problem described by others here.

    I like the idea of requiring a comment for a downvote, and I like the idea of requiring one for an upvote too. I find the solutions disappointingly devoid of discussion, this may help.

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    What about having a best practice upvote require either making a comment that's linked to the best practices upvote, or upvoting a best practices comment? I think that the best practice feature would be much more useful if we could see why a solution is considered to be using best practices.

    For what it's worth I don't think clever needs a similar system since it's usually self evident and it's not as important a vote as best practices.

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    It's a joke. They just submitted enough times for the "random()" call to return 10, but they said their lucky number was 10 so it looks planned.

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    Try it now.

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    Do you want to mark this suggestion as resolved or whatever?

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    correct. We did that to make caching easier, since we didn't want to send the data to the client if they didn't have permission to see it. You should be given a link to view the content, if not then its a bug.

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    The issue that I was able to reproduce was related to using a naked domain. This should be resolved now.

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    I agree the wording was incorrect, which I fixed, but I really think the solution setup and example test cases did make it clear what was being asked. At any rate, I fixed the wording.

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    Good idea. Added.

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    Probably not to a noticeable degree, but theoretically, yes. It's probably more of a style thing, though; I always do this for katas. To me, it makes things nice and neat, having all as many of the variables reused, and hidden away in a closure.

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