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    The top voted solutions in JavaScript actually completely ignore this and just resort everything.

    Makes me doubt the performance testing.

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    Just finished that one, it's an excellent challenge! :D

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    I totally understand and thank you so much for your help. I'll just make make use the api to display links to the katas a user has solved.

    This was a small part of the project. We're also trying to make an Atom package that pulls the kata down from Codewars so that you can use the editor to complete the solution then push it back upto Codewars once complete.

    Thanks once again for your help :-)

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    sorry, me again (last time I promise). Do you have an API key that gives all the finsihed solutions for a user? from the docs I thought the authored key did but neither the authored nor completed APIs give completed solution data.

    The plan for the project is to get all the completed katas from a user then automatically create a GitHub repo with all the solutions with a nicely formatted page linking them all.

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    Thank you so, so, so, so much worked.

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    Now I get {"data":[]} from

    PS tell be to do one if you're really busy that you can help.

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    Hi there, thank you for your quick response.

    I've tried curl "" into an Apple terminal window and it returns curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 3000: Operation timed out PS theoutlaw79 is my test account for the project. It timesout in a web browser also.

    Also tried curl

    Should this work?

    Thanks once agian for your help.

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    Sorry for the direct approach, Im trying to use your codewars api for one of my final projects that needs to be in by this friday.

    Is it functioning correctly? Im trying get an JSON object at "" replacing some_user with adrian.eyre and adding ?access_key=<my API key>

    The request times out, i've searched high and low for solutions but cannot find any. I've tried typing the command into the command prompt, into a website and by using Ruby GET/POST statements.

    Any help would be apreciated, even if its just to let me know its now working :-)

    Thanks, Adi

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    Sorry about the mixedCase/camelCase error :-) and thanks for fixing.

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    Just had a look at the Ruby Rspec tutorial. I think its a great concept working along side the tutor. I found it a little annoying that my code was removed from the screen when the tutor started coding. I know it saves my code but it would be nice to see mine and the tutors code side by side to compare results as they are talking through their code.

    Good luck with your project.


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    Cool, I'll take a look later thank you.

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    Someone 'solved' my kata like this. And i accidentally purposefully did like him. I was an idiot... xD

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