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    you are training on a long-outdated version of the sample tests.

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    • The sample tests require a function named pareto and the expected output is a list of list

    • The submissions tests (also in the description) require a function named pareto_front whereas the expected output is a set of tuples.

    • Th domination criteria is not explicit Wiki:

      An allocation {x_{1},\dots ,x_{n}}, where x_{i} in R^{k} for all i, is Pareto-optimal if there is no other feasible allocation
      {x_{1}',... ,x_{n}'} where, for utility function u_{i} for each agent i, u_{i}(x_{i}') >= u_{i}(x_{i}) for all i in {1, ... ,n} with
      u_{i}(x_{i}') > u_{i}(x_{i}) for some i

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    approved. author is inactive.

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    JS translation

    this translation modifies the description

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    Haskell translation

    • Description updated to add Haskell-specific block describing the change in the input/output type differences.
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    Haskell translation

    • Description has been updated with a language-specific block describing the input/output types.
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    Great practical kata, yet easy and simple.

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    Oh I see where we fucked up the random tests. No idea how mauros solution was timing out though, works fine for us if we fix the issue.

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    1. There is an F-word in the comments of the full test suite.
    2. Almost all random tests can be passed by simply returning None. Fork this to address it. (Using Voile's solution; mauro-1's solution somehow timed out every time I tried it.)
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    If anyone has any suggestions as to how to nicely generate tests for the second point then fire away.

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    The random tests generate keys/values as 3/4 letter uppercase strings, depending on what languages you speak some of these could be interpreted as offensive. That's all I got. I'm not changing it because, quite frankly, having a multiple thousand word list of every possible slur/whatever in the tests is infinitely more offensive than the computer choosing 4 letters at random.

    As for the other point I rewrote the entire test generation but didn't change it's behaviour (beyond what was probably intended, the original code was legitimately the worst we've seen in a long while).

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    What are you talking about?

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