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    The solution window for python doesn't have what function we are supposed to use. It just has this ‘PATTERN = re.compile(r’’)’ which isn’t a format I’ve ever seen on codewars before. Also, this seems way too easy to be a 4 kyu.

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    It was Python. Thx. Will do in the future.

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    The test cases don't follow the rules of the Kata. '$5' has no letters so should return True. The test says it should return False. Same for '.'

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    Also, and this has been driving me crazy, but why does the code as written return 4 as a prime number, but record the rest the primes perfectly?

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    This isn't really a coding problem; it's just a calculus problem.

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    Are we only allowed solution sets with 2 or more dice? Speaking of, I can solve this puzzle pretty easily for equivalent sets of two or three or any definite number, but I'm having trouble coming up with a solution for writing a recursive algorithm when the number of dice is undefined. Can anyone provide help on resources for how to write a recursive algorithm for this sort of thing? Probably too vague a question.

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    Am I missing something? The test cases list [3, 3] as having no equivalent dice paterns, but wouldn't [9] also have 9 outcomes?

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    I'm getting "'))))' should equal '))(('", but shouldn't "'))))' should equal '))))'?"

    Also, can someone give me a hint as to why my code is working for words, with caps or no, but not for punctuation? It works fine for "Mississippi", but not "(( @".

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    My code is pretty simple and it passes sample tests in about 600ms. When I try to send it to the servers though it times out at 12,000ms. What gives?

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