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    The difficulty is in that you need to write a regex, not a function.

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    A few hints:

    • sieve of Erosthenes is solid and fast way to generate primes; however, a lot depends on the implementation. I suggest to write your version and time it to generate primes up to 10^6, and try to improve it. You can use an online IDE, e.g. ; further hints: half sieve, "rwh primes"
    • test small code snippets on -- the less steps it requires, the faster it will be
    • do more easy katas, e.g. about digits sum: there are much quicker ways to get the digit sum of a number
    • don't repeat yourself (DRY): reuse your existing code -- don't write a validity chacker for each method, just call the existing one
    • etc
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    Always state the language in which you found the problem.
    Fixed for Python.

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    should be, but the only way to pass the tests is to implement an iterative algorithm, this kata should not be 6kyu

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    it's not a variable, it's a function you have to call ;) (look at the example tests)

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    Are we only allowed solution sets with 2 or more dice?

    Yes, as stated here:

    The task for this kata is to get the amount of equivalent dice sets, having 2 dice at least,for a given set.

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    '))))' should equal '))((' means your function returned '))))' when it should return '))(('. The first one isn't the input value, print it to see what it is.