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    Very fun kata to do, especially the "aha" moment upon finding the REDACTED and easily solving it. Thanks for sharing.
    Though I must admit the description's Quetzals, Meticals, Zlotys, and Ringglets were of no relevance to the solution, which threw people off.

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    I ran the pre-entered code (CTRL+ENTER) and it passed all tests without needing to be changed. Is this the correct way to solve the challenge?

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    One of the rare occasions on which both the Best Practices and Clever buttons ought to be clicked.

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    Fun challenge 👍, not sure why it hasn't been approved during 5+ years of existence.

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    The following text comparison website may assist you with completing this kata:

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    In my honest opinion, most juice brands are no better than beer.
    The high concentration of sugar in juice may lead to addiction through the desensitization of neural pathways over time, resulting in a myriad of mental health issues as well as an overly prominent feeling of dejection.
    Nonetheless, it can be stated with a high degree of certainty that the use of subconscious messaging (such as the keyword "beer" in such katas as this) results in the proclivity of one to participate in such activities as drinking, which may lessen the overall quality of their livelihoods.

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    Another one to add to the Codewars book of lore. A timeless artefact it is indeed.

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    After some interventions and adjustments, it seems to work - though I cannot comprehend why.
    Nonetheless, I shall move on and be free of the burden of this kata.

    Thanks for your help.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Why did you assume that I did not consider the possibility of my solution being invalid? For I did consider it, and very thoroughly indeed, if I may add.

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    Results for the test cases fluctuate by 1 (due to some rounding issue / restriction within test cases?), and I typically pass 60 / 101 of the test cases at hand.

    I believe the kata's description may be improperly worded; "return the time in tenth of seconds of the maximum height recorded by the device".
    If this notion were truly honest and valid, all test cases would pass, as the device only records the ball's height every 10th of a second.
    Thus, upon attaining a new height which is lower than the previous height (as the ball starts dropping back to the ground from whence it came), you would instantaneously break out of the recursive function, and return the total times it looped over - 1 (this being the total count in 10th of seconds). Yet this is not the case, with regards to the kata's obscure test cases.

    Therefore, it may be concluded with utmost certainty that a substratum of the description of this kata is entirely misleading. Or, perhaps the test cases do not accommodate the checking of recursive methods used to solve this puzzle.

    Naturally, it's possible to solve the kata with basic algebra / calculus, but it seems as though employing the use of any recursive or otherwise alternative methods result in failure - your code is voided in a manner most unbefitting.

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    It would be beneficial if the kata description included a link to or description of the Potato paradox.

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    Truly an epic thread to behold; foes of great stature pitted against each other in a great battle of the ages. It shall remain in my memories as a relic of old; to be intermittently prized and recollected, unto the breaking of the world.

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