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    Hi frustrated Johan :)

    You should read the instructions more carefuly, because they clearly say:

    "Messages you and your contact encode must NOT include commas, punctation, brackets etc (that's what you agree upon)."

    So knowing this, do you still have doubts about how the word is delimited?

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    I've added some random test cases. It was my first time to create such, so I hope this is what you meant.

    BTW - did you know that reporting issues gives -3 to honor to the one the issue is against? Damn man! You disshonored me! Whare's my catana?

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    Thank you very much Zozo. Your remarks make a lot of sense. Do you think that my description doesn't make it clear enough that return format should be [b0 p0 w0] ? I've exaplained it thoroughly and gave some examples. Should I anotate it the way you suggest anyway?

    Also: won't removing the books make it hard for people test and debug? What do you think?