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    User function should be called inside it blocks. Now all user calls are lumped in front of test cases, which means user logs are also lumped together instead of going into their respective it blocks.

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    Desperately needs clarification of word.

    Is a word delimited by spaces only? What about dashes? Apostrophes? What do I do about periods and commas?

    After an hour of trying to reverse engineer your text handling, invoking various incantations of .match(/[-'a-z0-9]/gi) and .split(/[ ,.\[\]]/) and being NO CLOSER to reading your mind, I'm giving up. Off by one, off by one, off by several. Repeatedly, forever and ever and always.

    Specify this shit!

    (Yes, frustrated. Yes, there are more ways to split text into words than you or I can imagine.)

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