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    Tests are not wrong, only your code is wrong for tests 2, 3, and 5.

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    303 total: 3 basic, 100 random and 200 big array (1000x1000) tests!

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    there's two 3s in the 8th column.

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    there's two 3s in the 8th column.....

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    "Look, it's wrong" is not a proof that the expected result is incorrect. The numbers in the columns are invalid, hence the sudoku is not solved, and the result must be False.

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    the correct answer for the 4th fixed test in Python is False, you are expected to be able to provide some evidence that there is a problem with the kata. feel free to also call me an idiot and block me if you wish, but nobody's trolling you on this, it is just how codewars works.

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    All tests are correct. If you're so sure that the test is wrong, prove it.

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    Don't mistake honor with progress, they are two different things.

    Honor = the points you gain by solving katas (or doing other things).

    • white -> 2 pts
    • yellow -> 8
    • blue -> 32
    • purple -> 128

    progress = what defines your rank (=kyu level, as overall value or individual language levels). Here, the amount of % you win depends on your current rank compared to the rank of the kata you solved. Like (approximately):

    • ...
    • your rank == kata rank-1: +10%
    • your rank == kata rank: +5%
    • your rank == kata rank+1: +1.25%
    • your rank == kata rank+2: +0.7%
    • ...

    now, considering your question ("is it worth..."): depends on what you wanna achieve.

    • If you wanna gain a lot of honor, grinding through easy katas is faster than solving hard ones.
    • If you wanna level up your kyu rank faster, definitely go for hard katas (ex: solving one 1 kyu in a language where you're 8 kyu makes you directly land at 4 kyus in that language)


    EDIT: if your progress didn't level up solving a kata, it's possible that the stats aren't up to date yet (that may happen from time to time). Or even worse: a bug happened... (rarer, but may happen too). If still no update in 12h, post an issue on the github repo with all the related information.

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    Not an issue. Most probably your solution is plain broken, as printing stuff doesn't magically fix anything (unless there's something wrong with CW itself). If you can't figure out the problem yourself, you can try posting your code in a comment with a spoiler tag.

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    I am getting a pass on 170 out of 170

    Firstly, I've already told you that there're 250 tests, and passing 170 means "passing 170 tests before hitting the time limit", and not "passing all 170 tests out of 170". Secondly, I rewrote the tests to use the newer CW test framework, and reorganized them from

    for repetition in range(5):
        for size in range(1, 51):


    for size in range(1, 51):
        for repetition in range(5):

    so this solution is still "not even close".

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    several things here.

    • first, this effectively isn't an issue, that's a question. The kata is working perfectly fine.
    • second, you sure have a working solution, but you're forgetting that you have to solve the task within a time limit. Meaning that your algo isn't efficient enough
    • "not even close"... would have been true with 47 passing tests. It's a bit (but just a bit) less true if you pass 170 tests, but a correct and efficient solution passes all the tests in less than 2s. So you still have a factor 10 to handle.
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    and all 47 or whateveer other tests

    There're 250 random tests. Your solution is not even close to passing them all.

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    The solution above uses Int32 everywhere, so there's probably an overflow happening at some point.

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