Borderline issue: The argument lgbtqAllowed is misnamed and very problematic: this has nothing to do with gender identity/preference. So inevitable you're gonna receive a lot of complaints for putting LGBT into the kata and misrepresenting it.
Please just rename it to something better to save the future of this kata's discourse.
(To be more technical: same-gender ships are usually referred to as slash fiction, or yaoi/yuri depends on where you're from. This really has nothing to do with LGBT.)
For the purposes of this kata, "A-B" and "B-A" count as the same ship. Duplicates must not be present in the result array
What is the expected order of A and B in the name of the ship? It looks like it's male-female for different gender ship, and by order of occurrence for same gender ship. But this is not specified.
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Borderline issue: The argument
is misnamed and very problematic: this has nothing to do with gender identity/preference. So inevitable you're gonna receive a lot of complaints for putting LGBT into the kata and misrepresenting it.Please just rename it to something better to save the future of this kata's discourse.
(To be more technical: same-gender ships are usually referred to as slash fiction, or yaoi/yuri depends on where you're from. This really has nothing to do with LGBT.)
What is the expected order of
in the name of the ship? It looks like it'smale-female
for different gender ship, and by order of occurrence for same gender ship. But this is not specified.seems to be an extra comma in the 1st sample test: