Approved! thank you!
Added! thanks!
Approved! thanks!
Thanks! approved :)
Fixed! thanks for reporting :)
thanks :(
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
What is broken exactly? can you post the errors and mark as spoiler so people can help? There are 30+ successful submissions in C++
The tests are validating the tree by converting it back to an array, and the meesage comes from the assertion on arrays.
And... another one waiting: :D
I'm still having issues with merging your translation. Could you re-publish it? (Again...)
Thanks for the feedback!
Hi! this kata is more "trees" oriented than language oriented. Do you have some feedback on how to improve it?
Hey! not sure I understand, can you post your solution code (and mark it as spoiler of course) so it can be checked?
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Approved! thank you!
Added! thanks!
Approved! thanks!
Thanks! approved :)
Fixed! thanks for reporting :)
thanks :(
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
What is broken exactly? can you post the errors and mark as spoiler so people can help?
There are 30+ successful submissions in C++
The tests are validating the tree by converting it back to an array, and the meesage comes from the assertion on arrays.
And... another one waiting:
I'm still having issues with merging your translation. Could you re-publish it? (Again...)
Thanks for the feedback!
This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution
Hi! this kata is more "trees" oriented than language oriented.
Do you have some feedback on how to improve it?
Hey! not sure I understand, can you post your solution code (and mark it as spoiler of course) so it can be checked?
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