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if n%2 is 0 it becomes false means it will use 8, and anything other than 0 is true.
But there are no such performance requirements here, hence 7kyu. What's the actual suggestion?
Suggestions are meant to improve tests or description, not give suggestions for solvers. Please reply/re-open if I misunderstood something.
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if the condition of ternary operator isn't Boolean type, maybe JS convert the condition to Boolean type first,and 0 to Boolean type is false, other number is true.
You need to add the correct annotation to the max_sum(root: TreeNode | None) -> int:
The tests are passing. But when confirming a task, 7 more tests are included that do not pass, for example BigInteger, or simple, etc.
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It's neat, but also highly inefficient.
You hit the 5%.
Read the description carefully.
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O enunciado pede que a palavra seja dividida individualmente em cada caractere e o espaço dentro do split garante que isso aconteça.
I don't know. Hopefully the student who submitted it will figure that out!
is there a certain type of tree that would make it fail consistently ?
The most recent solution that I submitted is one example.
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