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    Fixed in fork and approved

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    Reraised above with more info

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    Sorry for rushing to accept this translation.

    It's my second time to submit a kata :(

    I will consider your tips in my next kata. Thank you.

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    @elmo, maybe you should have paid a little more attention. This is @jclast's first translation, and they forgot to, would not, or could not, translate a tiny little line from the original.

    People's first translations are not necessarily bad. But they warrant more attention than people's 400th. And you wrote that line yourself, and you could also have known it was important, and you could have looked for it in a translation.

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    Please clean up the tests, especially the example tests. Those comments should not be in there.

    It would be nice if the example tests were visible in their entirety, without scrolling, while working on the solution. It would not be unreasonable to assume 1920x1080 screen resolution for that.

    ETA: It would also be good if the submit tests were more readable and maintainable. Someday someone may have to make changes ( that someone may be you, original author! ). And he or she will wish they had been written better, because as they are now they are not very good.

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    fixed thanks!
    (the 'C' was the same as 'N', but i confused "common" with "normal" D: )

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    As there is no reply and I think it's clear now what to do if multiplier is not integer, I'm marking issue as resolved.

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    Changed to: "In case multiplier is a fraction, round the result numbers only." Is it acceptable?

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    You definitely shoudn't round each day, although I can understand why you consider it.
    Generaly speaking for every single value here we take a mean for thousands of people. Doing it by looking at individuals we should look like this:

    • Incubation time: 2-14 days
    • Infecting time: 1-20 days
      Ofc we need to take these numbers randomly, set up weight. That's why it's better to simplify.

    Anyway, there is an information that results must be rounded. Should I add any additional information?

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    Thank you for pointing it out. I changed the definition of multiplier and missed it in that comment. Fixed.

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    Just use round() function returning the results. How can I make it clearer?

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    you have to come with effecient approach something very simple

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    @jclast, There's a missing closing parenthesis in the last sample test. Add that in to fix it (or just delete the last sample test...).

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