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    The kata lacks a description about the order of the duplicates, I guess it's more challenging figuring it out by oneself however it should be specified.

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    python new test framework is required. updated in this fork

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    This comment is hidden because it contains spoiler information about the solution

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    Finding Secret Messages

    kata description

    didn't work - Expected: 'there was never a secret message', instead got: 'there was never a secret'
    Completed in 1ms
    random test

    Test for no duplicates - Expected: '', instead got: 'uqzh fnbu sxgkig leqs sctiitd sacwgv bmynt kzfp ubythv rqukeu yhgtmol jgdyikq fmzkct rsdjm aosni kqpy mwgkp hyfyfii wfudp adzb gblc whlst cyxvg daxnwuf jydyqov zygnq sjmwl elie xzjhrh kygt vjryy rhyciqf xgpo qanvkk lhipv xnvvt prtn zupvnhh ytdez ablhin. cdwtitd cxkz nxzeb kauabqb kbckv wezb nmcljo skdp kiyptr kjcj pzmiygk uqgbl vapdvjj jnuirk jczrq mcpnoed kshw lnqq xike dhgq. rucnw jkooe ddnhc eggt eqpnui buaezrq jrqk dmuyio oavjwp ursae hfcs vitugv qsvnnyq ysxvw vjdvja pvugcu zkvqunn vzpkd ajcxn wytuisw.'

    randomly injected duplicates - Expected: 'slgj tthy qnxjbma miszch geyru pfgbt zjhvaz bswev jkeaj yronyn', instead got: 'slgj qnxjbma miszch geyru pfgbt zjhvaz bswev jkeaj yronyn'

    Don't this problems in console browser. Why?

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    Ruby 3.0 should be enabled.

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    Ruby 3.0 should be enabled.

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    Ruby 3.0 should be enabled.

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    Ruby 3.0 should be enabled.

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    In the tests, special characters are generally ignored except '-' in T-Rex ...

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    In JS, the class attributes should be in camel case ( e.firstName and not e.FirstName ).

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    The description should make clear what is the expected order of the returned array. It's not obvious (order of the first occurrence, second, last?).
    Edit: After solving the kata, I guess it's the second occurrence that's used (it's not clear if there may be more than two anyhow).

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    Translation added

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    The punctuation and casing of words (uppercase, lowercase) should not matter for the purpose of this kata

    And how should they be handled then?

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    (JS) The kata asks to remove duplicates from the original array, which can only be done by pass-by-reference, which, unless I'm mistaken, is not possible for arrays. Am I missing something?

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