who u are and why u are talking more than chorono
u dont have something else to do
stop protecting him becouse he cant talk by himself if of course you arent his mother or father
you are third person in twos dialoge
and my advice ,talk there where you arent Superfluous
i am fucking tierd explaining that he wasnt write
i dont care what you are doing do what ever you want but reporting is behavie of bitches if you cant solve your prroblem and droping another man to administration
now do what you think is write and dont disturbe me anymore
rowcased i didnt like his tone and for me it was rude he could explain like you i think he diserved such words from me
but thank you for good explenation
i dont mean private masseges here i mean facebook,messenger and instagram or u dont know what any of this is u stupid
and what rule is that u are repeating my words that i am new and dont know how things work here if u dont know what to say dont say anything and shut up
first read ,understand what happened and than talk
who u are?
speak with your self in your minde i dont need you
who u are and why u are talking more than chorono
u dont have something else to do
stop protecting him becouse he cant talk by himself if of course you arent his mother or father
you are third person in twos dialoge
and my advice ,talk there where you arent Superfluous
i am fucking tierd explaining that he wasnt write
i dont care what you are doing do what ever you want but reporting is behavie of bitches if you cant solve your prroblem and droping another man to administration
now do what you think is write and dont disturbe me anymore
rowcased i didnt like his tone and for me it was rude he could explain like you i think he diserved such words from me
but thank you for good explenation
i dont mean private masseges here i mean facebook,messenger and instagram or u dont know what any of this is u stupid
and what rule is that u are repeating my words that i am new and dont know how things work here if u dont know what to say dont say anything and shut up
and after that if u want to say something tell me it in private it sucks to talk in comments
and beside that i am new on cdw and i dont know things like that ithout that descriprion was too bad i wanted only to help
dont tell me what to do it isnt your damn Business
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