Please be respectful to the other users.
Since this is your first interaction with the community, we're only warning you that your behavior is unacceptable.
We'll need to ask you to leave if you continue to act this way.
Be respectful. Not all of us will agree all the time, but disagreement is no excuse for poor behavior and poor manners. We might all experience some frustration now and then, but we cannot allow that frustration to turn into a personal attack. It's important to remember that a community where people feel uncomfortable or threatened is not a productive one. We expect members of the Codewars community to be respectful when communicating with other community members, as well as with people outside the community.
Be nice. Everyone in the Codewars community should feel welcome, regardless of their background. Please be courteous, respectful and polite to fellow community members. No offensive comments will be tolerated.
Communicate effectively. We don't all speak the same language at the same skill level. Clear communication can help to avoid misunderstandings, as can remembering that our interpretations of words can be different depending on our backgrounds. Having context is important. It's better to ask for clarification than to make assumptions. Disagreements, social and technical, are normal, but we expect participants in the project to resolve disagreements constructively — so please avoid flamewars, trolling, personal attacks, and repetitive arguments.
Just to be clear, you don't need to feel bad about posting your solution the first time because you didn't know. The problem is your reactions to the other users trying to let you know the rules.
If you want to ask questions and include your solution, please use the spoiler flag next time.
Okay well, we do care what you are doing because the type of conduct you have exhibited here is frankly astonishing and completely unwelcome. You feel justified in saying someone simply correcting you deserves to be called a stupid shithead (yeah, I saw what you wrote before you heavily edited your comments) and by that token you clearly don't realize that you are the actual disturbing problem here. No tienes vergüenza?
About my tone being rude (I disagree about that), did you even read what you write? You're the one calling me stupid (I'm seriously thinking about reporting you). I won't shut up (look who is telling someone else what to do), why don't you follow your own advice? I don't need to contact you privately on another site (and if you didn't notice, there is no link to any of those social media in your profile anyway) if my problem is you're doing things wrong here.
@los_diablo This is a comminity of coders who want to help each other. Any of a number of members could have told you that it's forbidden to post code like that. So, it is our business to tell you that because you're new and don't know the rules. This is not such a big deal so I don't get why you take it personally and have been so rude? There are many great opportunities to learn here, and one of the features of that is the shared interactions on this message board.
There is no private messaging, and what's wrong with you? I told you how things work here, seeing you're new (and you're doing what you shouldn't). If you want to get banned, please, keep posting solutions.
Hi @los_diablo, I'm the admin of Codewars.
Please be respectful to the other users.
Since this is your first interaction with the community, we're only warning you that your behavior is unacceptable.
We'll need to ask you to leave if you continue to act this way.
Just to be clear, you don't need to feel bad about posting your solution the first time because you didn't know. The problem is your reactions to the other users trying to let you know the rules.
If you want to ask questions and include your solution, please use the spoiler flag next time.
Don't break the rules and no one will disturb you.
And stop trolling already...
I am part of this community and I speak for myself. Bye.
Okay well, we do care what you are doing because the type of conduct you have exhibited here is frankly astonishing and completely unwelcome. You feel justified in saying someone simply correcting you deserves to be called a
stupid shithead
(yeah, I saw what you wrote before you heavily edited your comments) and by that token you clearly don't realize that you are the actual disturbing problem here. No tienes vergüenza?About my tone being rude (I disagree about that), did you even read what you write? You're the one calling me stupid (I'm seriously thinking about reporting you). I won't shut up (look who is telling someone else what to do), why don't you follow your own advice? I don't need to contact you privately on another site (and if you didn't notice, there is no link to any of those social media in your profile anyway) if my problem is you're doing things wrong here.
@los_diablo This is a comminity of coders who want to help each other. Any of a number of members could have told you that it's forbidden to post code like that. So, it is our business to tell you that because you're new and don't know the rules. This is not such a big deal so I don't get why you take it personally and have been so rude? There are many great opportunities to learn here, and one of the features of that is the shared interactions on this message board.
There is no private messaging, and what's wrong with you? I told you how things work here, seeing you're new (and you're doing what you shouldn't). If you want to get banned, please, keep posting solutions.
There are rules, read them:
Don't post solutions like that, it's forbidden.