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    Hi `lucky3``,

    fixed. Please check it once again and possibly close the issue. Thanks!

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    Really well done, so many thanks for your good work and solution (marked as clever;-))! It's the first solution since month, so i upvoted your messages too - some hard earned extra points for you:-)! Now maybe the other "graphic katas" are easy for you;-)...

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    One more hint: It's helpful to compare your solution with the output of the "initial solution" (which is nothing at start). So insert a "return;" at the beginning of your code to see the expected output graph. In this case ("empty function, no drawing, only return"), you can directly see the expected output. And keep in mind (0,0) correlates (50,25) of the (0,0-100,50) canvas;-)...

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    Hi lucky3, ok... i can give you a hint;-)! First of all it's quite good what you are doing, but the starting coordinates do not match. Midpoint is 50,25 in the canvas 0,0-100,50), see header/description of the initial solution. So your graph looks good, but is not really in the middle of the canvas (so nearly nothing could recognized as "identical"). It's difficult to post you an example, because it's really big and i can't hide it, because you won't see than;-). But i will try to give you a part of the top left edge of your canvas and the correct one (first yours, than the correct one). Look at it, do some little code changes (move your graph inside the canvas more to top and left -> 50 left,25 top;-)?) and tell me, if it helps;-). And here you can see the left/top parts:

    .......................    a.s.o.


    .......................    a.s.o.

    As you can see, nearly nothing matched, because the midpoint of your graph isn't correct, so my "D" output (difference graph) is nearly the complete graph;-)...

    PS: Sorry for the long output, didn't know a really better way...

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    Can you please post me your code (marked as having spoiler content!). It's difficult to help you without it. Just recognized that the output of these "graphic katas" contained many  - signs instead of spaces (now single points . ) - it's because codewars last time changed many things included the output windows. So i've corrected these 4 graphic katas and checked it in my chrome browser (for me the output generally seems ok now, if there are still output problems on your side please let me know). But this has nothing to do with your "code problems/results", so first i'm waiting for your code;-)...
    PS: One word to the "D's" inside the output window... They show the difference of your and my output, so it's a little bit stange - the complete graph with "D's" as output means, that your graph is completely empty...

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    Give me a little bit time, i'm on the way and not at home.Will look at it later on, some hours;-).

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    i have the same issue. It's working fine on my local pc, but i can't submit because of timeout issue.

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    This should be working now

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    Marked as solved. Since is not an issue of the kata.