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    that was a fun challange thanks :D

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    @GiacomoSorbi thank you for fixing it have been eagerly trying to test my solution :P

    (spoiler alert) it timed out what a suprise... Though it wasn't hard to fix.
    Sometimes I'm a bit to naive with solutions honesly oh well.

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    Nope no timeout errors or any other critical error, just the

    Expected: false
    Actual: 1

    my time before it stops is well within the time out region 2738ms so that should be fine.

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    The first string has 2u's and the secons string aks for 2 u's?
    tjUofkoiyUfmdgfhn -> fodjhfUyUf

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    Failing on the random tests in c++ while it shouldn't
    scramble("tjuofkoiyufmdgfhn", "fodjhfuyuf"); -> expected false

    while if you rearange it manualy you see it does contain all the caracters neccesairy?

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    Couldn't solve it for a while so put it away but got back to it again to try and solve it and glad I did :D
    It was a fun kata

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    but still it's kinda odd that we have been given a value c that isn't guaranteed to be the biggest value, or atleast not in the sample tests.

    PythagoreanTriple(5,3,4) , Equals(true)

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    Damm Heads of to you. This is a awesome and beatifull implementation.
    Now I see it it makes so much sense. Makes me wana continue learning, seeing how much room there is to improve.

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    I don't know exacyly on witch part your stuck on on the 3rd test case. just tell me what part is confusing you.
    meaby the wiki will help?

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    It is indeed guaranteed to be non-empty. will add it to the description.

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    Fun kata. Though I find it funny how the avarage is 3kyu on rank assesment while i think most interperters are in the 5-6 kyu range as most of them are based on BF and brainfuck isn't that difficult to interpret.

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    nice kata! was a fun one to tackle.

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    yea having the same issue, even managed to get my hands on some of the random test cases and on my machine the awnser was what was expected by the test cases.

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    no this is definitly a 7kyu in my opinion. It's rather easy or atleast in c++ it is.
    I don't think this contains enough depth to make it qualify as a 6kyu or 5kyu,
    though g964 discriptions aren't always the clearest :P

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    nice kata :D yet again
    I appriciate that your are putting alot of time into making these kata's!

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